The latest campaign from This Girl Can is challenging Black and south Asian women to ramp up their fitness efforts by being creative, using hula-hoop, trampoline or even pushing a pram as part of their daily exercise regime.
Since Sport England’s This Girl Campaign launched in 2015, more than three million women have been inspired to become more active. However, research by Active Lives Adult Survey, shows that South Asian Women (36%) and Black women (29.4%) are more likely to be inactive than white British women (25.3%). The survey also showed that a mix of practical and emotional pressures, such as lack of time, fear of judgement and lack of confidence, prevent many women from being as active as they would like.
The new campaign, called Fit Got Real, centres around an inspirational short film showcasing women overcoming barriers to be more active, and is aimed at reaching women of all backgrounds and ethnicities who feel left behind by traditional exercise.
Sport England hopes many more women, from all backgrounds, will be compelled to fit exercise into their lives, and overcome negative perceptions and barriers to become more active.
Caroline, 36, who stars in the new film, comments: “As a full-time carer, I rarely have time to myself and am often under a lot of pressure both emotionally and physically. At the end of the day, I always felt I was either too tired, didn’t have enough time or wasn’t motivated enough to exercise. But, one day I realised how important it was (for my mental and physical health) to spend some time on myself and, with the help of my friends and support groups in the community, I could see a way out! Rather than spending half an hour watching TV, I now get out to a dance class or over to the trampoline classes at the local community centre. With added daily pressures of work and family commitments, I completely understand how easy it is to get into a routine of not doing much exercise, but I feel so much happier and healthier from being more active. Even it’s a quick run up and down the garden it’s better than nothing!”
I completely understand how easy it is to get into a routine of not doing much exercise, but I feel so much happier and healthier from being more active.
It’s not news that exercise is beneficial, not just for your body but for your mental health as well, and so it shouldn’t be neglected just because of a hefty gym membership. Why not turn your school run into an actual run?
Time to get that sweat on ladies!
Watch the Fit Got Real Video below: