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Why you should advertise with us? Our reader is a stylish, educated, busy woman of the world who takes a keen interest in the world around her.

Proud of her African / Caribbean heritage, she is just as comfortable in her skin as a Black British woman.

This unique view is the lens through which she seeks Melan content; for our carefully curated content on our favourite celebrities, profiles on inspiring personalities to where to go on holiday, what to read, the hottest new foodie joint to fashion and beauty tips, and so much more.

Our vision at states that we will become a thought leader and international prime hub for celebrating all aspects of being a modern ‘grown’ Black woman.

While our Mission’s objective is to be a world leader in producing and sharing information, motivation and style for Black women, using our online magazine and regular newsletters featuring rich and varied content. Our readers/subscribers will be loyal to our brand for putting Black women ‘first’ in everyday fashion, beauty and dialogue.

Our carefully created brand will place us in the position of being a powerful online media to direct consumers to your website and / or store. Studies* have shown that the ‘Black pound’ is worth an estimated £300 billion in the UK. This huge figure, has mostly sat under the radar of mainstream media. will highlight Black owned businesses and offer non-Black businesses and brands a way to reach this audience, to tap into the huge spending power of Britain’s Black and ethnic minority community.

Today’s consumer is extremely savvy, and faced with the sheer weight of messages that come at them from every angle,, a brand that people will trust, can work with advertisers to efficiently reach their target consumers.

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Melanmag Media Kit 2018

*Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA), a trade and professional body for UK based media and marketing communication industry agencies


Featured Photography by Thandiwe Muriu | Model Anok Kuol | MUA Sinitta Akello