Described as a modern career guide for the creative woman, Refinery 29 says it is the book of the year for working women with drive… ’
Written by Otegha Uwagba, this travel-sized guide is likely to become your go-to resource when it comes to building the career you want. Read what our book contributor, Vanessa Thomas, thinks about the book in her review.
I Stumbled across this book on my work lunch break on a very uninspiring day and it was a Godsend. This short, sweet and simple book, is 113 pages of bite sized gems. As the cover states, it is a toolkit for working women. In 10 succinct chapters Uwagba discusses building your brand, networking, self-care and more.
As the founder of Women Who, a platform to connect and empower creative working women, coupled with experience as a brand consultant and time working across ad agencies, Uwagba is well placed to share tips on maximising your game!
The conventional 9-5 is no longer everyone’s working routine, with more and more freelancers, or people taking the leap to start up a venture etc, and that is why this book is so illuminating and relevant. Whether you find networking awkward (as I do), hate public speaking or always (as many women do) under value yourself when it comes to talking dollar, Uwagba has you covered. In line with pay day, I am going to try her suggested 50/30/20 rule 😫.
Not only sharing great advice, Uwagba also suggests working spaces in the UK and beyond, good financial management apps to use like Monzo, (btw there is a lonnnng waiting list to get a Monzo card) and locations to work out of that’ll get your creative juices flowing. She also includes a Q&A with various women in different industries sharing their wisdom. It’s not all work however, Uwagba stresses the importance of balance, and health, even suggesting basic meditation methods.
This is a well thought out and comprehensive guide to navigate your world of work, with nuggets of information that will appeal to everyone.
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