As an entrepreneur, chances are you are constantly dreaming about getting your big break!
Perhaps an audience with a highly influential investor that once you say the right words, would set you on the path to success. So, what happens when you are in that situation? The universe has stepped in, and given you five minutes with said investor and…ummm, you’ve drawn a blank! Read our tips to always be ready to deliver a perfect elevator pitch, every time.
The much talked about elevator pitch is merely a euphemism for a brief, persuasive speech that you use as a tool to spark interest in your business. The key word here is ‘brief’. It shouldn’t be more than a sentence, and if written down, a concise one-pager. We’ve come up with three main areas to practice in readiness.
The how: master your tone and delivery
With so much riding on the outcome of your pitch, it’s likely you will start giving off precisely the type of vibes that you should be trying to avoid. Sweaty, and nervous mannerisms could easily be interpreted as dodgy and shifty. It’s worth practicing how you will deliver your perfect pitch, preferably in front of a mirror. Try to affect a calm and assured manner. Your body language will either back up your pitch as a winning business or convince your investor to avoid you like the plague. Remember the usuals, look them in the eye, give a firm handshake and as weird as it sounds, take a leaf out of Tyra Bank’s book and ‘smize’ as you talk. This will give you a warmer, friendlier tone as you speak.
The what: what problem are you solving?
Most good business ideas are usually solving a problem or are a solution to something. When you think of it this way, describing your business idea succinctly becomes much easier. This is key! You should be able to hone down your business idea to a simple statement at the core and then flesh out the details slightly. Once you can articulate your business idea in a few simple words, you shouldn’t ever be caught out when asked to describe it.
Know when the curtain comes down
It’s important to know when your window of opportunity has closed. Like a good date, you have to know when to take your leave. Never be afraid of silence and don’t be tempted to fill it with chatter. Once you’ve finished your pitch. Simply stop talking and smile and wait for your investor to comment. If they want to hear more they will let you know. Don’t forget to ALWAYS have a business card to hand and offer it to them so they can contact you if they want to.
Good luck!
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