March 20th is the vernal equinox, also known as the official first day of spring.
Spring is the season of new beginnings and fresh starts and traditionally, at this time of year, we give our homes a spring clean to clear clutter, freshen up and air out any stale, dark energy from winter. But, you can also take this opportunity to spring clean your life.
Spring cleaning your mind
During the winter months, it can be easy to fall into bad habits and routines but with the days warming up and getting brighter, it’s time to take a fresh look at how we’re taking care of our mind, body and spirit.
Just like our homes, our minds can become cluttered. Consider investing in a journal and spend some time freewriting all the thoughts circling your mind. You can then take a more focused look at your core values and beliefs as these can change over time. It’s good practice to review what’s important and still resonates and what no longer reflects your outlook on life.
Spring cleaning your body
Winter is often accompanied by comfort food and cosy nights on the sofa or under the duvet.
Spring is a time to get moving again. Revive your exercise regime or try something new.
As you start to move and see positive results, you will naturally want to eat cleaner. Choose fresh, preferably organic and seasonal fruit and veg and ensure you stay hydrated.
The cold winter weather can also be cruel to your skin and hair, so exfoliate, wax, deep condition, get a treatment and trim as necessary.
Spring cleaning for your spirit
Whether or not you’re religious or spiritual, there is an internal side to you that also needs to be nurtured and taken care of.
Alternative therapies such as chakra cleansing, acupuncture, reiki or even a massage can help to shift internal energy blocks that can also affect your health and well-being.
Fun is another way to positively feed your spirit. As children, we tend to spend most of our time immersed in our hobbies yet somehow as adults, the things we enjoy often give way to “real life”.
Re-engage with an activity that you used to enjoy or be good at. Or, try something completely new. The most important thing is to find something that you enjoy and look forward to doing.
Spring cleaning for your heart
We often don’t realise the damaging effect of holding onto negative emotions such as anger, jealousy and hatred. Spring is an ideal time for fresh starts and releasing past hurt, regret, grudges and resentments.
It’s not always easy to forgive someone who has hurt you deeply, but doing so gives you access to greater peace of mind. Additionally, it’s just as important for you to forgive yourself. You’re human, so if you’re punishing yourself for something you did or did not do, or you’re tormenting yourself with regret, it’s time to stop and let it go.
Spring cleaning your relationships
Sometimes life gets in the way and we can lose touch with people. Winter can also mean we spend less time socialising and more time at home. Spring is a great time to get out and get back in touch. Make dates, meet up and reconnect with the people who make you feel positive about life.
At the same time, there may be relationships in your life that you no longer feel good about. It could be that they’re toxic or perhaps you’ve just outgrown the current state of the relationship. Ask yourself if it’s time to let go and end those relationships or if the relationship is worth saving.
Spring cleaning your finances
Spring will have you thinking about all things new – clothes, shoes, car, gadgets, holidays and more. But do your finances support your spring/summer spending goals?
Before you get excited, get your finances in order. Clear off any debts by setting yourself a budget and reducing any unnecessary spending. Set up a savings account and commit to adding to it every month.
Additionally, cancel any unnecessary subscriptions that you don’t need or use and make a note of any rolling/automatic renewals so you’re not charged if you no longer want to continue your subscription.
Spring cleaning your digital life
How many unread emails do you currently have in your inbox? How many of them are subscriptions or newsletters that you signed up to and realistically will never read?
Many of us sign up to newsletters solely for a freebie or discount code, but never get round to unsubscribing. Set aside some time to go through your inbox and either reply, unsubscribe, delete or archive. Aim for an empty inbox, even if it only lasts a few hours.
How many social media platforms are you on? Do you still use them all?
Deactivate or delete any online accounts and remove any apps from your phone that you no longer use then update your profile information and notification settings for the remaining accounts.
Additionally, go through the files stored on your PC or laptop, delete what you no longer need then virus check and backup the rest.
Spring is the perfect season for a refresh so take the opportunity to declutter and simplify, allowing every area of your life to blossom.
Copyright/Image Credit (- All Images): 123RF Stock Photo.
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