Catching COVID-19, experiencing the fatigue, breathlessness and all the other symptoms that it can come with is one thing, but what happens when the symptoms linger for months on end? A new NHS film tells the story of how long COVID has impacted on Jade’s life.


Thirty-two-year old Jade first developed coronavirus symptoms earlier this year in March. She thought she had recovered but her symptoms came back and they have now taken over her life.

The new film released by the NHS reveals the potentially devastating long-term impact of long COVID. It shows how Jade’s life has been affected – weeks and months after being diagnosed with COVID-19. “I wake up with a headache every single morning, I don’t feel like my brain is working the same way anymore. Day to day tasks at home are tough. It can wipe me out just doing basic things”.

The symptoms of ‘long COVID’ – include fatigue, protracted loss of taste or smell, respiratory and cardiovascular symptoms and mental health problems – all are described in the new film, which is part of the national Hands, Face, Space campaign that urges people to continue to wash their hands, cover their face and make space to control the spread of the virus.

New data from King’s College London, shows one in 20 people with COVID-19 are likely to have symptoms for eight weeks or more. The study suggests the condition affects around 10% of 18 to 49-year olds who become unwell with COVID-19.

“… for some the symptoms continue for weeks and months, if people are suffering with breathlessness, muscular pain and fatigue then they must speak to their GP and get a diagnosis.”

Dr Seun Bakare, a GP in Northwest Urgent Care, said:Most people recover from COVID-19 without needing specialist treatment and for the majority symptoms will clear just after 14 days. However, for some the symptoms continue for weeks and months, if people are suffering with breathlessness, muscular pain and fatigue then they must speak to their GP and get a diagnosis.”

The Government has announced that it will commit £10 million pounds towards supporting people suffering long-term symptoms of COVID-19 by running designated clinics in every area across England where specialists and GPs will all help assess, diagnose and treat thousands of people who have reported symptoms ranging from breathlessness, chronic fatigue, “brain fog” to anxiety and stress.

If you are suffering from any long-term symptoms or health problems after recovering from COVID-19, speak to your GP, call 111 or check the Your Covid Recovery website – an online COVID recovery resource for patients.

Watch the film

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