Black women keen to take those first steps toward a travel or tourism business now have a warm and helping hand to guide them following the launch of Women in Travel CIC’s ‘BAME Women in Travel’ event.

The inspirational and thought-provoking event, which took place on 11 March 2019 at London’s Royal Society of Arts, was well-attended by media, influencers and representatives from UK companies keen to champion diversity.
Women in Travel is a social enterprise dedicated to empowering women through employability and entrepreneurship in the travel industry. With the celebrated launch of their new BAME Women in Travel initiative, they will assist black, Asian and minority ethnic women in the travel and tourism industry to fulfil their economic and individual potential through customized training and mentoring services.
“This space is not exclusive, rather, it is inclusive of all women seeking to expand their footprint within the travel and tourism industry, especially for those who’ve felt marginalised or overlooked.”
During the evening, a panel discussion took place and issues surrounding diversity and talent, employee engagement, nurturing innovation and competitiveness were discussed. Speakers on the panel included Eulanda Shead Osagiede, Women in Travel’s new Executive Director of the BAME division; Mansoureh Farahani, Founder of Travel With Mansoureh; Stephanie Takyi, a lifestyle journalist for Daily Mail and Metro UK; Dr. Sasha Ho Farris Nyirabu, GP and Global Health Consultant; Lerease Sweeney, Lifestyle Manager at Facebook; and Fiona Anderson, Director at travel and lifestyle PR agency GEC PR.

Speaking at the event, Eulanda Shead Osagiede, Executive Director of BAME Women in Travel and Co-Founder of Hey! Dip Your Toes In, said: “Providing a space and platform for women of colour to grow their networks, tap into resources, and share their unique skillsets only amplifies their voices in the larger marketplace. This space is not exclusive, rather, it is inclusive of all women seeking to expand their footprint within the travel and tourism industry, especially for those who’ve felt marginalised or overlooked.”
Alessandra Alonso, Founder of Women in Travel CIC said: “Women in Travel has listened to the voices of women from BAME communities and created a platform to share ideas, learn and get inspired. These women are passionate about travel and our call to action to the travel industry is get involved or risk alienating an increasingly important part of your stakeholders!”

Missed this event? Catch the upcoming BAME Women in Travel events:
- Mentoring Session: In Conversation With Esra Alhamal (22 April 2019, 6 – 8pm)
- Business Webinar: Plan, Launch and Grow Your Travel Business With Tracy Durrant (24 April 2019, 7 – 8pm)
- Panel Discussion and Networking Event (22 May 2019, 6 – 8:30pm)
- Travel Insider: Visionboard Workshop For Your Travel Business (18 June 2019, 6 – 9pm)
- Secure the Bag! Write Your Plan Of Action & Launch Your Travel Business (16 July 2019, 6 – 9pm)
- Panel Discussion and Networking Event (17 July 2019, 6 – 8:30pm)
To register interest in attending an upcoming BAME Women in Travel event or request further information, please email