London based charity, BelEve, is presenting a fun filled festival on 15 February 2018, hosted by none other than BBC 1 Xtra’s DJ Melody Kane.
Head down to Peckham Levels in London, for a night of celebrating female empowerment and learn about BelEve’s ultimate aim of inspiring girls and young women to maximise their potential, celebrate their achievements and stand unafraid of being leaders.
The night will be booming with live music from MOBO-nominated Nike Jemiyo and X Factor’s Rai-Elle. There will also be talks and panels featuring film director, Sofia Olins, Pro-Wrestling: EVE founder Emily Reed and award-winning entrepreneur Anne Timpany, among other special guests to be announced.

But that’s not all! What’s a festival without loads of stalls to browse through? Check out exclusive nail art from leading nail brand, House of Lady Muck and make-up from make-up artist Rachel Barclay. Plus, there will be a good old raffle including signed Game Of Thrones merchandise, dance lessons, BelEve workshop places and much more.
Sisters, Chyloe and Marsha Powell, who we have previously interviewed, in honour of their late mother, founded BelEve five years ago. Aiming to provide girls and young women with support, skills and confidence when it comes to making suitable and informed choices regarding their future, BelEve is helping young women take control of their lives.
Not only do they work with these girls, but they have also extended their guidance to their primary influencers such as parents, teachers, local communities and other youth agencies by hosting workshops, mentoring programmes and events.
On the charity, Chyloe commented: “BelEve is a real labour of love for us both.”
“We had a hugely strong female role model in our mum and we wanted to celebrate this and created BelEve as her legacy. We also realised how lucky we were to have such a role model in our lives and that a lot of girls sadly don’t – this is why BelEve is so important; it gives those girls and young women the empowerment to believe they can, rightly, be anything they want to be, and we’ll be right by their sides helping them do that.”
Marsha added: “We’re so excited about the festival. It’s an event to showcase the work we’ve done so far, celebrate our recent charity status and raise funds to carry on doing this amazing work. We’re truly overwhelmed with the talent that has agreed to support this either by being at the event itself or sending prizes – we can’t wait!”
The event takes places on Thursday 15 February from 4pm – 8pm.