Have you heard about Cor Silver Soap?

The word silver isn’t a euphemism for something else, there really are silver particles in there! The unique formula purports to be suitable for sensitive skin, while reducing acne, scarring and calm eczema prone skin. Sceptical? Read on for my review after trying it for just over a week.

When I was sent this product to review, I must confess I was in two minds. Mainly because I hadn’t used soap on my face in nearly two decades, following advice that it can tighten and age the skin. I duly read all the information and was marginally reassured when I read that the soap closely matches the PH balance of skin, which is 4.5, while Cor soap has 7.2. Most other soaps have a PH of 9.5 to 10.5. Further reading showed that it also contained Avocado Oil, Jojoba and Aloe, all natural ingredients, a tick from me.

Reviewing: Cor Silver Soap

I’m lucky enough to have pretty good skin, but I thought I’d give it a go.

The website has very clear instructions for how to use the soap. Splash water on your hands and face. Then take the soap between your hands and rub for about 4-5 seconds until you have some foam on your hands. Set the ball down and continue to rub your palms together until a nice, creamy foam has been worked up. Then apply the foam to your face and leave on for about two minutes.

Reviewing: Cor Silver SoapRinse thoroughly with warm water and pat dry. On day one, after dutifully following the instructions, I was happy with the amount of foam produced. However, I wasn’t prepared for the after effect once I rinsed off the soap. There was an almost squeaky sensation when I rubbed my face. Quite unnerving the first couple of days, but I soon got used to it. I consider this to be a fair trade off though as after seven days of using Cor Silver Soap, my face is less oily, and although I don’t have skin issues, my face appears smoother and more even toned. Dare I say it, I have even suspended using my toner cleanser as my pores appear smaller.

Winning! I think I might be keeping this one.

Find out more about Cor Silver Soap



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