Whether you are glad to see the back of Valentine’s Day or can’t wait until it comes round again next year, for many of us, ‘love’ is still very much on our minds. But why is it so hard to find love? And when you find it, why do those initial euphoric feelings fade after a while?
A recent workshop “Open to Love – The Soulmate Connection,” organised and hosted by Holistic Heath Practitioner and Soul Coach Raspreet Sagoo, shed some scientific and spiritual light on affairs of the heart.

Did you know that love is a basic, human need? Whether we are seeking new love or looking to deepen, rekindle and develop the love that you already have, it appears we can’t get enough of it. When you delve into the science of love you begin to see why it’s so addictive.
Statistics show that being in love increases levels of dopamine, which activates neural pathways to trigger the pleasure centres in the brain*. This explains the feeling of euphoria, positivity and optimism we experience when we are in a loving relationship.
However, these feelings are often short-lived. Studies show that the initial romantic, euphoric state of love lasts for about a year, after which it is replaced by a subtler and stable version of love**.
Picture the scene – you have found someone who you can imagine being your ideal partner. Things are going swimmingly, you are madly in love and then… that initial feeling of love wears off. You get into the comfortable zone; the arguments start and either it all goes downhill from there or the spark just wears off as you settle into a mundane routine with your beloved.
What stops you from having and maintaining this feeling of being in love and being loved?
Raspreet believes that we harbour deeply embedded subconscious blocks that are preventing us from having our dream relationships, life and they could even be affecting our health. These blocks often stem from subconscious pre-conceived notions and opinions that we have formed, probably from a young age. She has had much success in transforming the lives of others within their relationships, in their health and well-being, as well as general success in life.

Raspreet calls on her own personal experience with the challenges she faced in finding love, and from working with clients in similar circumstances, she has noticed a pattern of common blocks and limiting beliefs that block people from finding and maintaining true love.
“I struggled for years to find my true soulmate, and went through lots of trauma, drama and some frankly horrible experiences. I want to empower others to find their true love, without all the struggle and the drama and to maintain successful and loving relationships. I am living proof that there is someone out there for everyone, I have managed to do it successfully and I want to share my experience and expertise with others so that they can find their true love, without all the pain and suffering that I had to endure”, says Raspreet.

Raspreet is now in a happy and loving marriage. She shared her powerful testimony of finding her perfect soulmate and husband, Satvinder Sagoo at the uplifting and inspiring workshop. Satvinder, a businessman, investor and intuitive healer, was also one of the relationship experts at the event.
Here are the relationship experts top tips on how to magnetise more love and abundance into your relationships.
Relationships require inner work because they are simply a reflection of what you feel inside. So, when you do inner work and shift any negative beliefs, stagnant energy, past shocks or trauma and instil the positive into your mind, body and soul, then you will notice ripple effects in all areas of your life.
Raspreet Sagoo, Founder of Divine Sacred Soul, Holistic Health Practitioner and Soul Coach
If you are having trouble attracting love or keeping love in your life, chances are, you will be having issues and blocks within your finances, too. This is because love is the universal energy, and any blocks to receiving love, will almost inevitably block you from having abundance in your life, too.
Be mindful of what you choose to believe; we are co-creators and your beliefs create your reality.
Satvinder Sagoo, Money Mindset Guru, Entrepreneur and Investor
Focus your mind on why you want to be in love, drop into your heart and focus on how you feel when you are in love.
Nici Phoenix Malamoglou Siddha Kundalini Crystal Healer
People are not attracted to what you do – they are attracted to WHY you do it.
Tony Brown, The Soulmate Specialist and Author
The key to falling in love and having a lasting relationship is to love who you are first; love is about wanting, not needing a partner.
Cat Williams, Relationship Coach and Author
*Fisher, Helen. Why We Love: The Nature and Chemistry of Romantic Love. New York, NY: Henry Hold and Company, LLC, 2004.