Tired of going through the same cycle every year where you write out your resolutions and vow to make a few good changes in your life, but by the second week in January you’ve already faltered?!
Now, you may be one of the lucky people who actually keeps their resolutions, but for most of us it is a real challenge, always pushing back what can be done today, tomorrow.
In 2015, 66% of the UK population who made New Year’s resolutions failed to keep them going past one month! (BUPA). We want you to succeed in your plans and resolutions, so here are five steps that you can take to help you bring your 2017 goals to life.
The Steps
- Get creative and develop a roadmap of the year for your goals, the actions that need to be taken to achieve your endgame. Tick off achieved key activities as you go along, it helps to know where you’re at. Don’t forget to plan how you will celebrate your success.
- Personal affirmations – Write motivating notes and messages on sticky notes and put them in places you can see them, such as the fridge door, your bedroom mirror, or even your nightstand. It’s important to believe in yourself and know you can do anything you set your mind to.
- Bring your dreams to life with a vision board. Make a vision board out of a cork board and magazine cutouts. Position it in a hotspot where you will see it daily and imagine yourself achieving your goals.
- Creative Visualisation helps your brain get motivated when it sees how life can be. Before going to sleep, visualise your goal as if you were watching a film adding as much detail as possible, and with the feelings and emotions that come with it. If practiced regularly, you will notice changes happen.
- Ask the universe. Although it may seem absurd, writing a letter to the universe helps you put your goal into words. Be clear on what you want and keep your thoughts positive. Send it out with a thank you, your signature and place it in an envelope addressed to the universe.
Words inspired by an article from Life Change Expert Josie Copsey: www.aeracuralifecoaching.co.uk
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