That red scene in The Wiz had it right! “You’ve got to be dead red, you’ve got to have flash and flair, and if you’re not seen in red, then you shouldn’t be seen nowhere!” These lyrics reflect our current mood as the weather gets ever colder.

While everything seems a little more dark and dreary, why not try mixing things up a little with a change of hair colour?

Red is most definitely in at the moment and we’ve found some gorgeous ladies sporting radiant red hairstyles that you could derive some inspo from and perhaps try out yourself! Tag us in pics if you decide to take our advice.

For flash and flair, get red hair! 1. How about these fiery tones?

For flash and flair, get red hair!2. Ombre into a deep burgundy

For flash and flair, get red hair!3. Fro it out with this red

For flash and flair, get red hair!4. Gingery red will go perfect with a Gingerbread latte!

For flash and flair, get red hair!5. Loc it up in all shades of red

For flash and flair, get red hair!6. Throw it into an up-do with this bright red

For flash and flair, get red hair!7. Long loose waves with a sizzling red

For flash and flair, get red hair!8. Rihanna red

For flash and flair, get red hair!9. Cornrow into this gorgeous style

For flash and flair, get red hair!10. Short shiny waves of red


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